Who's this douchebag?

My name is Fern. My pronouns are they/it. I am autistic, I have two cats, and I like to draw and play video games.

What's their deal?

My current goal is to move to the United Kingdom and become a citizen there. I am currently attending college in the United States, but plan to transfer to a school in the UK in a few years, and, through studying and working there, eventually obtain citizenship. I am currently studying to get an English degree, as I believe that that will open up a large amount of potential jobs for me.

Another thing I really want to do is make a video game. My drawing skills are not that great, and I don't really know much about coding, but still. I plan to get back into drawing and posting more art soon, so if you would like to see that, here is where you can do so. If you would like to watch me play video games, you can do so here or here.
